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Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2025

Networking across scales

Sun 15.– Thu 19.6.2025, Helsinki, Finland

We are pleased to welcome you to the fifth conference on the Ecology of Soil Microorganisms to be held in Helsinki, Finland in June 2025. The previous meetings attracted participants from all over the world. The ESM conference is an interdisciplinary platform addressing questions related to individual microbes (archaea, bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, protozoa and viruses), microbial communities and their ecological networks. Modern genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic methods are linked with approaches based on soil chemical, biochemical and functional analyses, exploration of soil fauna and plant ecology. We cordially invite experts from all these disciplines to join us in Helsinki to promote state-of-the-art research in the field of soil ecology and enjoy the northern midsummer madness!

The  registration is open.


The early bird price is valid until 1st of April 2025. You can still submit poster abstracts until 1.4.
Philip Poole Oxford University
Nerea Abrego University of Jyväskylä
Petr Baldrian 
Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Joanne Emerson
University of California
Chris Greening 
Monash University
Jenni Hultman Natural Resources Institute Finland
Björn Lindahl  Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Petr Kohout Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Ellen Kandeler University of Hohenheim
Elly Morriën University of Amsterdam
Christoph Tebbe  Thünen Institute

Further information: (sing up, general enquiries and to add your name to the mailing list) (more information on Helsinki)



See also the previous meeting: