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Welcome to ISVCA2025



Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the ISVCA Council, the Chauvet Workshop Steering Committee, and the local organizing committee, I am delighted to invite and welcome you to the 2025 biennial meeting of the ISVCA. This year, for the first time, we will have a joint meeting with the Chauvet Workshop. The theme of the meeting is “In Service of Our Patients.” While simple, this theme is profound, as it embodies the core of what we strive to achieve every day.

VCA is a field that unites many disciplines to achieve its primary goal: restoring function to patients and enabling them to reach their maximum potential. VCA is practiced in various parts of the world, each with its unique opportunities and challenges. The scientific program committee, along with the Chauvet Workshop steering committee, has curated a program that will be beneficial regardless of your discipline within VCA, your geographic region, or whether you are in a VCA program or care for patients who may benefit from VCA.

So, mark your calendars, pack your bags, and I look forward to meeting you all in beautiful Helsinki.



Hatem Amer, MD
ISVCA President
Congress President
Transplant Nephrologist



Dear Colleagues and Friends,

With pleasant memories from Los Angeles, I warmly welcome you to the combined ISVCA and Chauvet Workshop 2025 meeting in Helsinki, Finland, from June 27th to June 29th, 2025.

The meeting will take place in the heart of Helsinki in Pikku-Finlandia congress center, adjacent to Finlandia Hall, which will host the 30th congress of the Federation of European Socities for the Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) from June 25th to June 28th. On Saturday 28th of June, there will be a joint session with FESSH focused on hand transplantation.

The program will cover many aspects of VCA, including all clinical VCA’s as well as latest scientific work. This multidisciplinary meeting will explore new topics related to VCA such as dentistry, as well as provide sessions dedicated to laryngeal transplantation. We will kick off the congress on Friday, June 27th , with the Chauvet workshop.

The meeting coincides with the Finland's season of the midnight sun, when daylight extends through the night. Helsinki is a charming, walkable city situated on a peninsula, offering a perfect setting to connect with colleagues from our specialized field of medicine.

I look forward to seeing you here in Helsinki, Finland, the happiest country in the world for the last seven years.



Patrik Lassus

ISVCA 2025, President-elect
Scientific Program Committee Chair
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee








The Chauvet Steering Committee is looking forward to welcoming you to the Chauvet 2025 workshop in Helsinki Finland on June 27, 2025.  We will have a one-day conference reviewing active and completed research projects on the psychosocial aspects of all VCA transplants including Uterus, face, and upper extremity, an update on the “About Face”  project  and round table discussions focusing on the psychosocial needs of VCA candidates and recipients. We will discuss and define research priorities for the future as well as a variety of other topics. New to this workshop will be topics related to laryngeal transplantation. 

 We hope that you will attend this meeting held in conjunction with the Biennial ISVCA meeting in Helsinki and adjacent to the Federation of European Societies for the Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) with which there will be a joint session on Saturday Morning. 

Registration will include participation in the three-day Chauvet Workshop and the ISVCA meeting June 27-29, 2025. 

Look forward to seeing you there!

Chauvet Steering Committee



The largest meeting of European hand surgeons, FESSH 2025, will be held in Helsinki, Finland, at Finlandia Hall from June 25 to 28. It is expected to bring together a couple thousand Hand Surgeons from all European countries and worldwide. The engaging program will cover all areas of hand surgery, with a particular theme of “Innovations.” The scientific committee includes leading hand surgeons worldwide, and the program features over 130 scientific sessions. Check out our website and join us!