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- The place of the 2-day meeting is already booked and paid - it is located in Sofia, 4 "Iskar" Street, SoHo Co-working space center.

- The 3rd day will be a meeting with stakeholders - local farmers, NGOs, maires and municipality staff in the village Gabrene, SW Bulgaria. The village is located 150 km from Sofia and travel will take around 2 hours. All is already organized regarding the lunch there, so it will be prepared by the local population group, which is dealing with such traditional food preparation. Translation in English is ensured. We have booked a bus for 40 people and already paid.  

- Regarding accommodations - while the venue is located in the center of Sofia, each hotel nearby is fine. The information on how to reach the location from the airport will be provided soon. In Sofia there is a metro and well developed public transport, so it is easy to organize.

The draft program

16.9.2024 Day 0
- Arrival
17.9.2024 Day 1 – MARGISTAR Strategic Review, toward 3rd grant period 
• WG1 report
• WG2 report
• WG3 report
• Science & Communications report
• Scientific and societal impact report
18.9.2024 Day 2 – MARGISTAR Toolkit
• Development of case studies
• Review of learning from MARGISTAR Vision Workshop toolkit (September workshops)
• Facilitated Design Thinking Workshop to expand the MARGISTAR Toolkit for 3rd grant period
• Training School and Grants & STSM & Virtual Mobility for 3rd grant period
• Stakeholder survey and other empirical work for 3rd grant period
19.9.2024 Day 3 – Meeting with MARGISTAR stakeholders 
• Meeting with stakeholders (local farmers, NGOs, maires, and municipality staff) in the village Gabrene, SW Bulgaria.
• Working in pairs on the bus.
20.9.204 Day 4
- Departure