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Program day 2

Program | Tuesday, March 18

07:15 – 08:00 | Morning Walk by the waterfront
Guided by Fredrik & Carl, the Nordic BTAs Explorer Team

08.45 - 09.00 | Centre stage
Good morning! - Welcome to day 2 of NBTS2025

09.00 - 10.00 | Centre stage
Keynote: Navigating the Digital Transformation
Nicholas Fernholm

- Introduction by Eurocard

10.05 - 11.20 | Power Session

What is happening around the travel management process?

  • The Future of Corporate Payments
    Mads Krumhardt Enggren, CEO Airplus International

    ​​​​​- Introduction by Norwegian
  • The future of retailing and distribution
    Thane Jackson, BCD Travel
    - Introduction by Enterprise Mobility


11.20 - 12.05 | Sponsor area
Coffee Break & Networking | Meet the Sponsors

12:05 - 13.15 | Power Session
Getting ready for the future

  • Next Gen / Social Media for Business Travel
    Julian Troubridge, Amadeus

    - Introduction by Scandic
  • Tomorrow’s Events, Today: The Evolution of Meetings in a Tech-Driven World
    Anna Mourou, strategic producer and Sofia Eriksson, AmexGBT
    - Introduction by Amex GBT

13.15 - 14.30 | Sponsor area 
Networking Lunch | Meet the Sponsors

14.30 - 14.45 | Centre stage
GBTA, more Global and focused than ever before
Catherine Logan, GBTA


14.45 - 15.30 | Centre stage
Fireside chat - The Aviation Challenge

  • Amon Cohen, Business Travel News and Business Travel Show Europe
  • Zita Schellekens, KLM, SVP Strategy, Transformation and Sustainability
    - Introduction by Turkish Airlines


15.30 - 16.00 | Centre stage
Conclusions by our EMCEE Aurelie Krau

Handover of “Budstikke” & Closing words
Nordic BTAs


16.00 – 17:00 | Sponsor area
Any unfinished business with our sponsors?
Time for wrapping things up, if needed!


We look forward to seeing you in Oslo!