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Preliminary Program
Team Finland visit to Vietnam and The Philippines
Draft program - please note that this is a draft only, and is subject to change depending on the compilation of the delegation as well as availability of meeting hosts
Helsinki - Hanoi
Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh City
Departure from Helsinki for Hanoi
Arrival in Hanoi
Internal briefing for the delegation
Meetings with f.ex. Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education and Training 
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam  - Signing Ceremony 
Business Meetings with recruitment companies 
Finland-Vietnam Forum –Best Practices in Labor Market and Labor Mobility  
Networking reception 
Departure from Hanoi for Ho Chi Minh City 

Briefing on local recruitment processes 

Multistakeholder event:  Finland-Vietnam Forum –Best Practices in Labor Market and Labor Mobility  
Ho Chi Minh City - Manila
Flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Manila 

Internal briefing and session on how to recruit from the Philippines  
Meeting with Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) representatives  
Finland-Philippines Multistakeholder event 
  - Presentations from Finnish companies and recruitment service providers from the Philippines. 
  - Matchmaking / Networking  
Meeting with local journalists and media representatives 
Reception hosted by Minister Satonen and Ambassador 
Business meetings with local recruitment companies 
Other official and business meetings, based on the delegations' needs
Wrap-up of the visit
Departure from Manila, option 1
Departure from Manila, option 2
Departure from Manila for Helsinki late Friday evening 17 January, or Saturday, 18 January 2025