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Here you will find presentations and other material from each meeting session. In order to download documents, please click on links in column "Download Link". 

Documents from meeting 19 June, 2024

Presentation / Topic Presenter  Download Link
Barbadodos experience Dr Maryam Karga Hinds, Consultant Barbados Pharmaceuticals Inc., Barbados Drug Service Download button
FDA Ghana Ms Jennifer Bonnah, Institutional AMR Focal Person, Food and Drugs Authority Ghana Download Button
vGBT History and development Dr Noel Joseph, Veterinary Medicines Directorate, UK Download button

Documents from meeting 13 March, 2024

Presentation / Topic Presenter  Download Link
RAGNA - Call to Action - final version
N/A Download button

Documents from meeting 17 January, 2024

Presentation / Topic Presenter  Download Link
Compilation of regulatory proposals sent in after the 4th meeting
N/A Download button
Recording of the 4th meeting Available for viewing until March 11 Download button

Documents from meeting 15 November, 2023

Presentation / Topic Presenter  Download Link
QJS updates: UNGA HLM 2024 and One Health Legislative Assessment Tool for AMR
Quadripartite Joint Secretariat (QJS)  
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 Mapping of Regulatory measures
Katarina Lönnquist, RAGNA Project Manager, Swedish Medical Products Agency
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Mapping of performed
Regulatory measures 
Katarina Lönnquist, RAGNA Project Manager, Swedish Medical Products Agency
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Documents from meeting 13 September, 2023

Presentation / Topic Presenter  Download Link   
Terms of Reference (ToR)
revised after meeting 13 Sep.
Åsa Kumlin Howell, Head of International Affairs, Swedish Medical Products Agency
Stefan Berggren, Head of Unit Sustainability and Environment, Swedish Medical Products Agency
Roadmap and Process in the road to UNGA HLM 2024 Quadripartite Joint Secretariat (QJS)  

Documents from meeting 28 June, 2023

Presentation / topic Presenter Download Link
Reflections from the 1st Global Joint Summit of Human and Veterinary Medicines Regulatory Authorities Dr. Andrés García Campos,
Programme manager for the Antimicrobial Resistance & Veterinary Products Department
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Regulatory agencies role in the global AMR response and the road to the UN High Level Meeting on AMR in 2024 Dr Haileyesus Getahun,
Director of AMR Global Coordination, WHO
Director of Quadripartite Joint Secretariat on AMR
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Implementation of national action plan against AMR- reflections from Rwanda
Dr Edouard Munyangaju, 
Medicines Registration and Variation Assessment Analyst, Rwanda FDA
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Establish the network and the way forward Dr Björn Eriksson,
Director General, Swedish MPA
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