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To cover the expenses of arranging the visit Business Finland will charge the following maximum participation fee:
Vietnam 12 - 15 January 2025
  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 895 EUR + 25,5% VAT per person

  • Major Companies:  1050 EUR + 25,5% VAT per person

The Philippines 15 - 17 January 2025
  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 895 EUR + 25,5% VAT per person

  • Major Companies: 1050 EUR + 25,5% VAT per person

The participation fee includes:
  • Program as outlined in the invitation
  • Project management prior to and during the visit
  • Meeting & logistics planning
  • Assistance from Business Finland experts prior to and during the visit
  • Pre-departure briefing with market insights and practical information
  • Ground transport during the visit
  • Networking events
  • Joint company brochure
  • Profiling of your company prior to and during the event
  • Hotel proposal

A 25 percent discount of the participation fee will be granted for each additional representative of the participating company. The participation fee does not include flights or accomodation of the participant, nor meals outside of the business delegation program.

If your company has an internationalization plan developed together with the ELY-center, you may be eligible for financial aid for the travel expenses. Please read more in Finnish below:

Kehittämisavustusta ELY-keskuksesta:

Suomessa toimivat yritykset voivat hakea ELY-keskuksesta yrityksen kehittämisavustusta kansainvälistymishankkeisiin. Business Finlandin vienninedistämismatkoihin liittyvät matkakustannukset (esim. lennot ja majoitus) voivat sisältyä avustushakemukseen osana laajempaa ja suunnitelmallista kansainvälistymishanketta. Hakemus on jätettävä ennen osallistumisvahvistusta eli ennen hankkeen aloittamista. Yrityksen kehittämisavustusta voidaan myöntää enintään 50 % avustuksen piiriin hyväksyttävistä kuluista. Lisätietoa avustuksen hakemisesta saatte alueenne ELY-keskuksesta.
Finnpartnership support
Finnpartnership offers business partnership support to Finnish companies for Team Finland visits to developing countries in the form of a grant-based financial support, when the aim for the company is to establish themselves long-term in a developing country, in order to cooperate with local companies. This support is not available for just a single trip; the trip has to be part of an existing wider plan. The support is meant for the early stages of business planning, such as identifying business partners. The Team Finland visits can be used to promote these aims.

More information about business partnership support is available at or by enrolling in a Finnpartnership application workshop:
The support is paid retrospectively, and is available for the countries listed by OECD's Development Co-operation Directorate (DAC):