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1st DAY – 10 September 2024 (Tietotalo, Jokioinen)

           11:45  Bus transport from Hotel Fabrik Forssa to Tietotalo
12:00–13:30  Registration and Lunch at Tietotalo
13:30–15:00  Welcome (Marleena Hagner Luke and Kati Räsänen, Luke)

                      Scientific programme, topic: Pesticide use in Northern Zone

  • Introduction to current PPP legislation and strategic framework in EU, invited speaker, Tove Jern, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland, 20 min
  • Pesticide use in Northern Europe and EU, invited speaker, Pasi Mattila Luke, 30 min
  • 1 presentation, 15 min + 5 min

15:00–15:30  Coffee Break + posters
15:30–17:00  Scientific programme, topic:
                       Pesticide residues in the environment in Northern Zone                       

  • Pesticide residues in Europe - the results from Sprint project, 
    invited speaker Vera Silva, WUR, 30 min
  • 3 presentations, 15 min + 5 min

17:00–17:30 Walking to the Elonkierto exhibition park
17:30–21:00 Elonkierto exhibition park, networking and dinner
           21:00 Bus transport to Forssa


2nd DAY – 11 September 2024 (Tietotalo, Jokioinen)

8:30–9:00    Bus transport from Hotel Fabrik Forssa to Tietotalo, Jokioinen
9:00–10:20  Scientific program, topic: Pesticide residues in the
                    environment in Northern Zone

  • 4 presentations, 15 min + 5 min

10:20-10:50 Coffee and snack + posters
10.50–11:50 Scientific program, topic:
                     Effects of pesticide residues on the environment in Northern Zone

  • 3 presentations, 15 min + 5 min

11:50–12:50 Scientific program, topic:
                     Pesticide risk indicators and modelling of pesticide fate 

  • Modelling of pesticide transport and risk assessment in a changing climate, invited speaker Roger Holten, Nibio, 30 min
  • Risk indicators in EU, invited speaker Vili Marttila, Tukes, 30 min

12:50–13:50  Lunch at Tietotalo
13:50–14:30  Final speech and conclusion

  • Pesticide use in crop production – challenges and research needs, invited speaker Sari Peltonen, Pro Agria, Finland, 30 min
  • Conclusions, Marleena Hagner and Kati Räsänen

14:30–16:00  Visiting in Luke´s laboratories
16:00–           Coffee and snack + posters
16:15–17:00 Instructions for next day: a scientific publication of pesticide use,
                     residues and impacts on environment 
17:00            Bus transport to Forssa
19:00–          Dinner (Restaurant Villa, Forssa)


3rd DAY – 12 September 2024 (Tietotalo, Jokioinen)

8:30–9:00     Bus transport from Hotel Fabrik Forssa to Tietotalo
9:00–10:30   Preparation including data collection for the scientific publication of
                     pesticide use, residues and impacts on environment (a workshop led by
                     Senior Scientist Irene Vänninen, Luke)
10:30–10:45 Coffee and snack
10:45–12:00 Publication preparation continues
12:00–13:00 Lunch
13:00–14:30 Publication preparation and final words
14:30–15:00 Coffee and snack
           15:15 Bus transport to Forssa

