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By plane to Finland

  • Fly to the Helsinki-Vantaa international airport and then continue to Helsinki Central Railway Station by local trains (I or P train) that stops near between Terminals 1 and 2. Helsinki Kamppi bus station is just about a five minutes walk from the railway station. From Kamppi to the Forssa bus station by bus takes 2 hours.
  • The flights are worth booking to the day before opening day, because there are only few bus connections between Helsinki and Forssa in the morning. Bus timetables and tickets from Helsinki Kamppi to Forssa bus station are available here. Tickets may be also bought from the driver.
  • It is also possible to rent a car from the airport for three days for one or more persons. It takes one and half hours to drive to Forssa

By ship to Finland

  • Ships will arrive to Helsinki West Terminal T2, Olympia Terminal or Katajanokka Terminal, and from there you need to take a tram to the city center (HSL route planner). Tickets must be bought from the HSL vending machines. Then you need to take a bus from the Kamppi bus station to the Forssa bus station. A bus journey takes about 2 hours. Other option is to rent a car for three days.
  • You can also arrive to Turku harbor with Silja or Viking Line. There is a bus stops outside the terminal and bus timetables and tickets to Forssa bus station are available here. Tickets may be also bought from the driver.

By train

  • There is a train connection from Helsinki and Turku, and also other cities in Finland to Humppila and timetables and tickets can be bought from here. From Humppila there is a public bus connection to Jokioinen or Forssa.
  • Bus transportation will be arranged from Humppila railway station to Jokioinen on Tuesday and back on Thursday, if there are enough people who need a ride. A survey about the travelling will be organized for the participants before the event.


Accommodation in Forssa

  • Accommodation is organized in the town called Forssa, near by the town Jokioinen.
  • There is a short 300 m walk from the bus station to a hotel Fabrik (Hämeentie 7, 30100 Forssa).

Meeting in Jokioinen

  • During the workshop we will organize a free bus transport between the hotel in Forssa and the meeting place Tietotalo in Jokioinen
  • We will also offer a bus transportation from the hotel to the Humppila railway station on Thursday.

Further information about travelling, please contact Kalle Ohralahti (