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AFG (+93)
ALA (+35818)
ALB (+355)
DZA (+213)
ASM (+1684)
AND (+376)
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AIA (+1264)
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ARG (+54)
ARM (+374)
ABW (+297)
AUS (+61)
AUT (+43)
AZE (+994)
BHS (+1242)
BHR (+973)
BGD (+880)
BRB (+1246)
BLR (+375)
BEL (+32)
BLZ (+501)
BEN (+229)
BMU (+1441)
BTN (+975)
BOL (+591)
BES (+599)
BIH (+387)
BWA (+267)
BRA (+55)
IOT (+246)
BRN (+673)
BGR (+359)
BFA (+226)
BDI (+257)
KHM (+855)
CMR (+237)
CAN (+1)
CPV (+238)
CYM (+1345)
CAF (+236)
TCD (+235)
CHL (+56)
CHN (+86)
CCK (+672)
COL (+57)
COM (+269)
COG (+242)
COD (+243)
COK (+682)
CRI (+506)
CIV (+225)
HRV (+385)
CUB (+53)
CUW (+5999)
CYP (+357)
CZE (+420)
DNK (+45)
DJI (+253)
DMA (+1767)
DOM (+1)
ECU (+593)
EGY (+20)
SLV (+503)
GNQ (+240)
ERI (+291)
EST (+372)
ETH (+251)
FLK (+500)
FRO (+298)
FJI (+679)
FIN (+358)
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GUF (+594)
PYF (+689)
GAB (+241)
GMB (+220)
GEO (+995)
GER (+49)
GHA (+233)
GIB (+350)
GRC (+30)
GRL (+299)
GRD (+1473)
GLP (+590)
GUM (+1671)
GTM (+502)
GIN (+224)
GNB (+245)
GUY (+592)
HTI (+509)
VAT (+39)
HND (+504)
HKG (+852)
HUN (+36)
ISL (+354)
IND (+91)
IDN (+62)
IRN (+98)
IRQ (+964)
IRL (+353)
ISR (+972)
ITA (+39)
JAM (+1876)
JPN (+81)
JOR (+962)
KAZ (+7)
KEN (+254)
KIR (+686)
PRK (+850)
KOR (+82)
XKX (+383)
KWT (+965)
KGZ (+996)
LAO (+856)
LVA (+371)
LBN (+961)
LSO (+266)
LBR (+231)
LBY (+218)
LIE (+423)
LTU (+370)
LUX (+352)
MAC (+853)
MKD (+389)
MDG (+261)
MWI (+265)
MYS (+60)
MDV (+960)
MLI (+223)
MLT (+356)
MHL (+692)
MTQ (+596)
MRT (+222)
MUS (+230)
MYT (+269)
MEX (+52)
FSM (+691)
MDA (+373)
MCO (+377)
MNG (+976)
MNE (+382)
MSR (+1664)
MAR (+212)
MOZ (+258)
MMR (+95)
NAM (+264)
NRU (+674)
NPL (+977)
NLD (+31)
ANT (+599)
NCL (+687)
NZL (+64)
NIC (+505)
NER (+227)
NGA (+234)
NIU (+683)
NFK (+672)
MNP (+1670)
NOR (+47)
OMN (+968)
PAK (+92)
PLW (+680)
PSE (+970)
PAN (+507)
PNG (+675)
PRY (+595)
PER (+51)
PHL (+63)
POL (+48)
PRT (+351)
PRI (+1787)
QAT (+974)
REU (+262)
ROU (+40)
RUS (+7)
RWA (+250)
BLM (+590)
SHN (+290)
KNA (+1869)
LCA (+1758)
MAF (+590)
SPM (+508)
VCT (+1784)
WSM (+684)
SMR (+378)
STP (+239)
SAU (+966)
SEN (+221)
SRB (+381)
SYC (+248)
SLE (+232)
SGP (+65)
SXM (+1721)
SVK (+421)
SVN (+386)
SLB (+677)
SOM (+252)
ZAF (+27)
SGS (+500)
SSD (+211)
ESP (+34)
LKA (+94)
SDN (+249)
SUR (+597)
SWZ (+268)
SWE (+46)
CHE (+41)
SYR (+963)
TWN (+886)
TJK (+992)
TZA (+255)
THA (+66)
TLS (+670)
TGO (+228)
TKL (+690)
TON (+676)
TTO (+1868)
TUN (+216)
TUR (+90)
TKM (+7370)
TCA (+1649)
TUV (+688)
UGA (+256)
UKR (+380)
UAE (+971)
GBR (+44)
USA (+1)
UMI (+1)
URY (+598)
UZB (+998)
VUT (+678)
VEN (+58)
VNM (+84)
VGB (+1284)
VIR (+1340)
WLF (+681)
ESH (+212)
YEM (+967)
ZMB (+260)
ZWE (+263)
Link to my LinkedIn profile
Students can contact me through the following channels.
Your contact information for the channels you have chosen is available to students registered for the Alumni Ambassador service - please make sure you have filled in all the necessary information above.
I can answer students' questions in the following languages.
The information is available to students registered for the Alumni Ambassador service.
Degree, current employer and position.
The information is available to students registered for the Alumni Ambassador service.
What is your area of expertise or a specific field in which you would like to help students?
Please answer briefly - the information is available to students registered for the Alumni Ambassador service.
A short motivation why you want to act as an Alumni Ambassador
Greetings to the Alumni Association
Membership of the University of Helsinki Alumni Association
I am a member of the Alumni Association
I want to join the Alumni Association
I am not a member of the Alumni Association
I have read and I accept the
Alumni Ambassador service's Code of Conduct
I accept that my information is saved and processed according to the Alumni Association's
privacy policy