20:00 left to confirm your registration
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There are 40 places available for the event
Summer Caravan: Pre-Event for The Royal Races in Finland
The Royal Races in Finland are here again: Come meet friends, enjoy good food and drinks. Race-spirited event is organized on the heart of Oulu in Scandic Oulu City's Pykmestari lounge.
President of Union Samu Salo and Communications Manager Jari Rauhamäki and a special quest star will be there to give last-minute tips and talk about the races.
For more information and tickets to The Royal Races in Finland, visit the official Royal Races in Finland website.
Pre-event participation fees:
- Member €10
- Avec €15
Event information:
- The event is open only to Union members and their avecs.
- Registration does not include a ticket to The Royal Races.
- The event is aimed especially at adults.
- The participation fee includes food and drink of your choice.
The registration is binding. The payment will not be refunded.
Organizer: The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland, tapahtumat@ilry.fi