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Liquid biopsy analysis in basic research and clinical applications
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Liquid biopsy-based biomarker analysis in basic research and clinical applications
Event information
Liquid biopsy analysis in basic research and clinical applications
Tuesday 2025-02-04, 9:00–17:00
I will participate
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AFG (+93)
ALA (+35818)
ALB (+355)
DZA (+213)
ASM (+1684)
AND (+376)
AGO (+244)
AIA (+1264)
ATG (+1268)
ARG (+54)
ARM (+374)
ABW (+297)
AUS (+61)
AUT (+43)
AZE (+994)
BHS (+1242)
BHR (+973)
BGD (+880)
BRB (+1246)
BLR (+375)
BEL (+32)
BLZ (+501)
BEN (+229)
BMU (+1441)
BTN (+975)
BOL (+591)
BES (+599)
BIH (+387)
BWA (+267)
BRA (+55)
IOT (+246)
BRN (+673)
BGR (+359)
BFA (+226)
BDI (+257)
KHM (+855)
CMR (+237)
CAN (+1)
CPV (+238)
CYM (+1345)
CAF (+236)
TCD (+235)
CHL (+56)
CHN (+86)
CCK (+672)
COL (+57)
COM (+269)
COG (+242)
COD (+243)
COK (+682)
CRI (+506)
CIV (+225)
HRV (+385)
CUB (+53)
CUW (+5999)
CYP (+357)
CZE (+420)
DNK (+45)
DJI (+253)
DMA (+1767)
DOM (+1)
ECU (+593)
EGY (+20)
SLV (+503)
GNQ (+240)
ERI (+291)
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ETH (+251)
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FRO (+298)
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FIN (+358)
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GUF (+594)
PYF (+689)
GAB (+241)
GMB (+220)
GEO (+995)
GER (+49)
GHA (+233)
GIB (+350)
GRC (+30)
GRL (+299)
GRD (+1473)
GLP (+590)
GUM (+1671)
GTM (+502)
GIN (+224)
GNB (+245)
GUY (+592)
HTI (+509)
VAT (+39)
HND (+504)
HKG (+852)
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ISL (+354)
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IDN (+62)
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IRQ (+964)
IRL (+353)
ISR (+972)
ITA (+39)
JAM (+1876)
JPN (+81)
JOR (+962)
KAZ (+7)
KEN (+254)
KIR (+686)
PRK (+850)
KOR (+82)
XKX (+383)
KWT (+965)
KGZ (+996)
LAO (+856)
LVA (+371)
LBN (+961)
LSO (+266)
LBR (+231)
LBY (+218)
LIE (+423)
LTU (+370)
LUX (+352)
MAC (+853)
MKD (+389)
MDG (+261)
MWI (+265)
MYS (+60)
MDV (+960)
MLI (+223)
MLT (+356)
MHL (+692)
MTQ (+596)
MRT (+222)
MUS (+230)
MYT (+269)
MEX (+52)
FSM (+691)
MDA (+373)
MCO (+377)
MNG (+976)
MNE (+382)
MSR (+1664)
MAR (+212)
MOZ (+258)
MMR (+95)
NAM (+264)
NRU (+674)
NPL (+977)
NLD (+31)
ANT (+599)
NCL (+687)
NZL (+64)
NIC (+505)
NER (+227)
NGA (+234)
NIU (+683)
NFK (+672)
MNP (+1670)
NOR (+47)
OMN (+968)
PAK (+92)
PLW (+680)
PSE (+970)
PAN (+507)
PNG (+675)
PRY (+595)
PER (+51)
PHL (+63)
POL (+48)
PRT (+351)
PRI (+1787)
QAT (+974)
REU (+262)
ROU (+40)
RUS (+7)
RWA (+250)
BLM (+590)
SHN (+290)
KNA (+1869)
LCA (+1758)
MAF (+590)
SPM (+508)
VCT (+1784)
WSM (+684)
SMR (+378)
STP (+239)
SAU (+966)
SEN (+221)
SRB (+381)
SYC (+248)
SLE (+232)
SGP (+65)
SXM (+1721)
SVK (+421)
SVN (+386)
SLB (+677)
SOM (+252)
ZAF (+27)
SGS (+500)
SSD (+211)
ESP (+34)
LKA (+94)
SDN (+249)
SUR (+597)
SWZ (+268)
SWE (+46)
CHE (+41)
SYR (+963)
TWN (+886)
TJK (+992)
TZA (+255)
THA (+66)
TLS (+670)
TGO (+228)
TKL (+690)
TON (+676)
TTO (+1868)
TUN (+216)
TUR (+90)
TKM (+7370)
TCA (+1649)
TUV (+688)
UGA (+256)
UKR (+380)
UAE (+971)
GBR (+44)
USA (+1)
UMI (+1)
URY (+598)
UZB (+998)
VUT (+678)
VEN (+58)
VNM (+84)
VGB (+1284)
VIR (+1340)
WLF (+681)
ESH (+212)
YEM (+967)
ZMB (+260)
ZWE (+263)
I will attend:
Morning session
Afternoon session
Note: For a no-show after registering we will charge 1000 kr.
Dietary needs
Vegetarian (lacto-ovo)
Gluten free
Lactose free
Please specify
I would like to give a 10 min talk
Title of proposed talk
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