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MBS Sands LifeStyle Prestige - Platinum
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Enjoy Prestige status with Sands LifeStyle
Given Name
Contact Number
AFG (+93)
ALA (+35818)
ALB (+355)
DZA (+213)
ASM (+1684)
AND (+376)
AGO (+244)
AIA (+1264)
ATG (+1268)
ARG (+54)
ARM (+374)
ABW (+297)
AUS (+61)
AUT (+43)
AZE (+994)
BHS (+1242)
BHR (+973)
BGD (+880)
BRB (+1246)
BLR (+375)
BEL (+32)
BLZ (+501)
BEN (+229)
BMU (+1441)
BTN (+975)
BOL (+591)
BES (+599)
BIH (+387)
BWA (+267)
BRA (+55)
IOT (+246)
BRN (+673)
BGR (+359)
BFA (+226)
BDI (+257)
KHM (+855)
CMR (+237)
CAN (+1)
CPV (+238)
CYM (+1345)
CAF (+236)
TCD (+235)
CHL (+56)
CHN (+86)
CCK (+672)
COL (+57)
COM (+269)
COG (+242)
COD (+243)
COK (+682)
CRI (+506)
CIV (+225)
HRV (+385)
CUB (+53)
CUW (+5999)
CYP (+357)
CZE (+420)
DNK (+45)
DJI (+253)
DMA (+1767)
DOM (+1)
ECU (+593)
EGY (+20)
SLV (+503)
GNQ (+240)
ERI (+291)
EST (+372)
ETH (+251)
FLK (+500)
FRO (+298)
FJI (+679)
FIN (+358)
FRA (+33)
GUF (+594)
PYF (+689)
GAB (+241)
GMB (+220)
GEO (+995)
GER (+49)
GHA (+233)
GIB (+350)
GRC (+30)
GRL (+299)
GRD (+1473)
GLP (+590)
GUM (+1671)
GTM (+502)
GIN (+224)
GNB (+245)
GUY (+592)
HTI (+509)
VAT (+39)
HND (+504)
HKG (+852)
HUN (+36)
ISL (+354)
IND (+91)
IDN (+62)
IRN (+98)
IRQ (+964)
IRL (+353)
ISR (+972)
ITA (+39)
JAM (+1876)
JPN (+81)
JOR (+962)
KAZ (+7)
KEN (+254)
KIR (+686)
PRK (+850)
KOR (+82)
XKX (+383)
KWT (+965)
KGZ (+996)
LAO (+856)
LVA (+371)
LBN (+961)
LSO (+266)
LBR (+231)
LBY (+218)
LIE (+423)
LTU (+370)
LUX (+352)
MAC (+853)
MKD (+389)
MDG (+261)
MWI (+265)
MYS (+60)
MDV (+960)
MLI (+223)
MLT (+356)
MHL (+692)
MTQ (+596)
MRT (+222)
MUS (+230)
MYT (+269)
MEX (+52)
FSM (+691)
MDA (+373)
MCO (+377)
MNG (+976)
MNE (+382)
MSR (+1664)
MAR (+212)
MOZ (+258)
MMR (+95)
NAM (+264)
NRU (+674)
NPL (+977)
NLD (+31)
ANT (+599)
NCL (+687)
NZL (+64)
NIC (+505)
NER (+227)
NGA (+234)
NIU (+683)
NFK (+672)
MNP (+1670)
NOR (+47)
OMN (+968)
PAK (+92)
PLW (+680)
PSE (+970)
PAN (+507)
PNG (+675)
PRY (+595)
PER (+51)
PHL (+63)
POL (+48)
PRT (+351)
PRI (+1787)
QAT (+974)
REU (+262)
ROU (+40)
RUS (+7)
RWA (+250)
BLM (+590)
SHN (+290)
KNA (+1869)
LCA (+1758)
MAF (+590)
SPM (+508)
VCT (+1784)
WSM (+684)
SMR (+378)
STP (+239)
SAU (+966)
SEN (+221)
SRB (+381)
SYC (+248)
SLE (+232)
SGP (+65)
SXM (+1721)
SVK (+421)
SVN (+386)
SLB (+677)
SOM (+252)
ZAF (+27)
SGS (+500)
SSD (+211)
ESP (+34)
LKA (+94)
SDN (+249)
SUR (+597)
SWZ (+268)
SWE (+46)
CHE (+41)
SYR (+963)
TWN (+886)
TJK (+992)
TZA (+255)
THA (+66)
TLS (+670)
TGO (+228)
TKL (+690)
TON (+676)
TTO (+1868)
TUN (+216)
TUR (+90)
TKM (+7370)
TCA (+1649)
TUV (+688)
UGA (+256)
UKR (+380)
UAE (+971)
GBR (+44)
USA (+1)
UMI (+1)
URY (+598)
UZB (+998)
VUT (+678)
VEN (+58)
VNM (+84)
VGB (+1284)
VIR (+1340)
WLF (+681)
ESH (+212)
YEM (+967)
ZMB (+260)
ZWE (+263)
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Email Address
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Please fill in your email address registered with American Express Inc. as this will be used for Account verification.
Last 5 digits of Platinum Card
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I confirm that I am the Cardholder of the abovestated Platinum Card.
Sands LifeStyle Membership Number
If you do not have an existing Sands LifeStyle membership, please sign up for your Sands LifeStyle membership
before completing this form.
Contact Number registered with MBS Sands LifeStyle
AFG (+93)
ALA (+35818)
ALB (+355)
DZA (+213)
ASM (+1684)
AND (+376)
AGO (+244)
AIA (+1264)
ATG (+1268)
ARG (+54)
ARM (+374)
ABW (+297)
AUS (+61)
AUT (+43)
AZE (+994)
BHS (+1242)
BHR (+973)
BGD (+880)
BRB (+1246)
BLR (+375)
BEL (+32)
BLZ (+501)
BEN (+229)
BMU (+1441)
BTN (+975)
BOL (+591)
BES (+599)
BIH (+387)
BWA (+267)
BRA (+55)
IOT (+246)
BRN (+673)
BGR (+359)
BFA (+226)
BDI (+257)
KHM (+855)
CMR (+237)
CAN (+1)
CPV (+238)
CYM (+1345)
CAF (+236)
TCD (+235)
CHL (+56)
CHN (+86)
CCK (+672)
COL (+57)
COM (+269)
COG (+242)
COD (+243)
COK (+682)
CRI (+506)
CIV (+225)
HRV (+385)
CUB (+53)
CUW (+5999)
CYP (+357)
CZE (+420)
DNK (+45)
DJI (+253)
DMA (+1767)
DOM (+1)
ECU (+593)
EGY (+20)
SLV (+503)
GNQ (+240)
ERI (+291)
EST (+372)
ETH (+251)
FLK (+500)
FRO (+298)
FJI (+679)
FIN (+358)
FRA (+33)
GUF (+594)
PYF (+689)
GAB (+241)
GMB (+220)
GEO (+995)
GER (+49)
GHA (+233)
GIB (+350)
GRC (+30)
GRL (+299)
GRD (+1473)
GLP (+590)
GUM (+1671)
GTM (+502)
GIN (+224)
GNB (+245)
GUY (+592)
HTI (+509)
VAT (+39)
HND (+504)
HKG (+852)
HUN (+36)
ISL (+354)
IND (+91)
IDN (+62)
IRN (+98)
IRQ (+964)
IRL (+353)
ISR (+972)
ITA (+39)
JAM (+1876)
JPN (+81)
JOR (+962)
KAZ (+7)
KEN (+254)
KIR (+686)
PRK (+850)
KOR (+82)
XKX (+383)
KWT (+965)
KGZ (+996)
LAO (+856)
LVA (+371)
LBN (+961)
LSO (+266)
LBR (+231)
LBY (+218)
LIE (+423)
LTU (+370)
LUX (+352)
MAC (+853)
MKD (+389)
MDG (+261)
MWI (+265)
MYS (+60)
MDV (+960)
MLI (+223)
MLT (+356)
MHL (+692)
MTQ (+596)
MRT (+222)
MUS (+230)
MYT (+269)
MEX (+52)
FSM (+691)
MDA (+373)
MCO (+377)
MNG (+976)
MNE (+382)
MSR (+1664)
MAR (+212)
MOZ (+258)
MMR (+95)
NAM (+264)
NRU (+674)
NPL (+977)
NLD (+31)
ANT (+599)
NCL (+687)
NZL (+64)
NIC (+505)
NER (+227)
NGA (+234)
NIU (+683)
NFK (+672)
MNP (+1670)
NOR (+47)
OMN (+968)
PAK (+92)
PLW (+680)
PSE (+970)
PAN (+507)
PNG (+675)
PRY (+595)
PER (+51)
PHL (+63)
POL (+48)
PRT (+351)
PRI (+1787)
QAT (+974)
REU (+262)
ROU (+40)
RUS (+7)
RWA (+250)
BLM (+590)
SHN (+290)
KNA (+1869)
LCA (+1758)
MAF (+590)
SPM (+508)
VCT (+1784)
WSM (+684)
SMR (+378)
STP (+239)
SAU (+966)
SEN (+221)
SRB (+381)
SYC (+248)
SLE (+232)
SGP (+65)
SXM (+1721)
SVK (+421)
SVN (+386)
SLB (+677)
SOM (+252)
ZAF (+27)
SGS (+500)
SSD (+211)
ESP (+34)
LKA (+94)
SDN (+249)
SUR (+597)
SWZ (+268)
SWE (+46)
CHE (+41)
SYR (+963)
TWN (+886)
TJK (+992)
TZA (+255)
THA (+66)
TLS (+670)
TGO (+228)
TKL (+690)
TON (+676)
TTO (+1868)
TUN (+216)
TUR (+90)
TKM (+7370)
TCA (+1649)
TUV (+688)
UGA (+256)
UKR (+380)
UAE (+971)
GBR (+44)
USA (+1)
UMI (+1)
URY (+598)
UZB (+998)
VUT (+678)
VEN (+58)
VNM (+84)
VGB (+1284)
VIR (+1340)
WLF (+681)
ESH (+212)
YEM (+967)
ZMB (+260)
ZWE (+263)
Please fill in only if your mobile number registered with MBS Sands LifeStyle differs from your AMEX registered mobile number for upgrade purposes.
Please be advised that upon submitting this request, you will receive an email from
Marina Bay Sands Singapore
to confirm your status upgrade to Prestige membership within
four (4) to six (6) weeks
upon successful Account validation.
By providing this information, I consent to American Express International Inc., Singapore Branch collecting, using, disclosing and processing my personal data in accordance with the
Online Privacy Statement
, and in particular disclosing such information to Marina Bay Sands Pte Ltd.
By ticking the box, I consent for my personal data to be provided to American Express International Inc. Singapore Branch ("AMEX") and Lyyti Oy and consent to AMEX collecting, using, disclosing and processing my personal data in accordance with the Privacy Terms and Conditions in my Cardmember Agreement and Privacy Statement. (
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