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Health Campus Turku Project Parade
Presentations of the Health Campus Projects
Time: 16.12. at 13.00 pm - 15.30 pm
Place: Kompassi Hospital, Yrjö Alanen -hall, Kiinamyllynkatu 13
Health Campus Turku engages in significant research and development cooperation in several different projects with companies and other actors in the region. Join us to hear more about the versatile, multidiciplinary and impactful research and development cooperation and services at the campus and meet with the campus top researchers and experts.
We welcome all campus experts, staff working in the RDI-projects and research teams from the Health Campus organisations, as well as campus stakeholders such as partners and companies in the health and well-being sector.
- Opening of the event
- New operating model for Health Campus Turku and the changes it brings
- Collaboration project presentations (Full list of the presentations can be found on the campus website)
- Networking with light refreshments and the opportunity to learn about campus projects, research collaboration and services
Upon registration you can also reserve a stand to showcase your project, research group, unit or service.
The event will mainly be held in Finnish. You can give your project presentation in English and the Finnish project presentations will have their slides in English.
Please contact the Health Campus Turku Coordinator Taina Nordgren for more information about the event: taina.nordgren@turkuamk.fi, +358 40 355 0421