Event information:
- Join to pitch your company's innovative forest-related business solutions for industry delegations from Southeast Asia
Time: 08:00 - 12:00
Place: Joensuu Science Park, auditorium Temple of Challenge (building 3A, 4th floor). Address: Länsikatu 15, 80100 Joensuu.
Organizations and companies engaged in the forest industry in the Joensuu region and wider in Finland:
Business Joensuu and Business Finland organize a pitch event for Finnish forest industry companies to pitch innovative forest-related business solutions for industry delegations from Southeast Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia). The pitching event is part of Business Finland’s Export Booster service.
Moderator of the event: Seppo Tossavainen, Business Joensuu
8:00 Coffee, tea and snacks
8:30 Welcome to the pitching event!
- Business Finland: Priscy Tanumihardja from Indonesia, Mohamed Farid from Malaysia and Elina Puszkarzewicz from Helsinki
8:40 Keynote speaker: Dr Jouni Pykäläinen, University of Eastern Finland in Far East Asia
9:00 - 9:10 Forest Department of Sarawak - Mr. Datu Hamden Bin Mohammad, Director FDS
9:10 - 9:20 Malaysian Wood Industries Association - Ms. Pang Suet Kum, Sr Exec Officer (Head of MWIA Delegation)
9:20 - 9:30 PT Medco Papua, Indonesia - Mr. Budi Basuki, Chief Operating Officer
9:30 Pitches: Finnish Smart Forestry companies:
- Bitapps, Jarmo Oittinen
- Process Genius, Jani Akkila
- Riveria Forest Maching Training Center, Mikko Saarimaa
- Teknosavo, Kari Kallio
- Vajrakila Innovations, Mika Vanhanen
- Kesla, Janne Häyrynen
10:40 Questions, answers, and next steps
11:00 Networking lunch in the lobby of the auditorium
12:00 End of the event
Further information:
Seppo Tossavainen, Business Joensuu
Business Specialist, Forest Bioeconomy and Circular Economy
+358 40 343 3377